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Bioinformatics Shared Resources

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute


GeneSpring GX10 - Overview and User Guide - Antoni Wandycz (Agilent) ,  September 2008: seminar video clip

GeneGo - Introduction and Data Analysis Julie Bryant/ October 2008: seminar video clip

Part One. Microarray Technology: An Introduction for Stem Cell Biologists. Dr Roy Williams, August 2007 : semiar video clip

Part Two. Microarray Data Analysis with GeneSpring: An Introduction for Stem Cell Biologists. Dr Roy Williams, August 2007 : seminar video clip

Demonstration of the GeneGO data analysis tool. Julie Bryant, January 2008: seminar video clip

Phylogeny Reconstruction Dr Christian M. Zmasek, January 2007: seminar video

Ingenuity Systems for Pathway Analysis. Dr Chris Kirchberg, April 2007 part 2 of 2: seminar video clip

NEXTBIO: Using the Nextbio Data Search Engine . Ilya Kupershmidt, May 2007:
 seminar video clip

ACCELRYS DiscoveryStudio demo Drs F. G. Hernandez-Guzman and Tedman J. Ehlers, June 2007 part 1 of 1: seminar video clip

NCBI e-tools: shortened version of a 4 day workshop to learn e-Utils. Dr A. Gabrielian Feb 2007. seminar video clip #1  seminar video clip#2

Stacy Huang: How statistics can empower your research

Roy Williams: Microarray Technology and Data Analysis Part One. March 9th 2010.

2. Kutbuddin Doctor:   Homology, similarity searches and alignments. May 20th 2010.

3. Ilya Kuperschmidt: NEXTBIO: Integrative biological analysis. July 20th 2010.