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Bioinformatics Shared Resources

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

O 9.07

O is a general purpose macromolecular modelling program aimed at the field of protein crystallography. It enables the scientist to model, build and display macromolecules. O is a graphical display program built on top of a versatile database system. All molecular data is kept in this database in a predefined datastructure.
Where? How?
O is maintained on the emu linux server. 
To start it, type:   o_9.07
Last installation and version
The latest installed version is 3.1, installed on April 17, 2004.
Prior installations available

O homepage.
GPL (GNU public license)
Local expertise
IT: Martin Fleming

Technical Data

  • tested on: Linux Debian 3.0
  • emu path: /usr/local/bin/o_9.07
  • In default $PATH? no